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Dear friends of art,

For a long time now, we finally had the pleasure of welcoming guests to an exhibition opening! For this special occasion we had the great honor to exhibit the Munich painter Otto von Kotzebue. From the many years of collaboration with the artist has arisen not only a fruitful cooperation, but also a good friendship.

It seemed all the more fitting to have the original exhibition opening coincide with his 85th birthday. “Thanks” to Corona, this unfortunately could not take place in May, but this in no way diminished our joy at the exhibition opening.

Although only 5 visitors could enter the gallery at a time, many visitors were able to enjoy the exhibition, as Otto von Kotzebue was present for a whole 4 days and guided the visitors through the exhibition together with us.

Of course, the exhibition will continue to be open to the public until August 21, 2021. You can also get a special impression of the exhibition, for example, during the numerous concerts.

Otherwise, the gallery is as usual always open for you on Saturdays from 14:00 to 18:00.


Video of the exhibition opening (in German)


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Interview in full length with Otto von Kotzebue (in German)


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Dear friends of art,

We are very pleased to welcome the artist Otto von Kotzebue with the exhibition Reflexions in our gallery! The one or the other may already know him, as he is permanently represented by our gallery and was last seen with many portraits in the Beethoven collective exhibition. This exhibition is again dedicated to his classical motifs, the reflexions of places and experiences on his many journeys across the world.

The exhibition title Reflexions is to be understood in two ways: in view of his 85th birthday, which the artist celebrates this month, it is quite appropriate to pause and take a look at a selection of his complete works. The earliest paintings in this exhibition (for example, “Savonlinna” from 1964) date from a time when the trained architect was still practicing his original profession. Thus, you will encounter works from his various creative periods, most of which have never before been exhibited in the Bonn area. Of course, you can also see new works, which celebrate their world premiere with this exhibition.

Another interpretation of the exhibition title sums up Otto von Kotzebue’s oeuvre even more comprehensively, since the title denotes the painter’s intention in each of his works. Looking at his oeuvre, it is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that it consists solely of classical landscape painting. However, this would be a misconception. The artist does not try to create paintings that please the eye. The focus is much more on reflecting the way something was experienced. In the paintings the artist reflects the soul of a place from his personal viewpoint. On the other hand, the artist also reflects in the paintings his own, sometimes upsetting life story, so that his works act as catalysts of his innermost.

The exhibition includes 53 watercolors and oil paintings. In addition to the paintings, you will also be able to purchase a comprehensive catalog (signed by the artist) of this exhibition.

03 June, 2021

Musikstudio & Galerie: Gabriele Paqué
Blücherstraße 14
53115 Bonn

Gallery open from 15:00


15:30 Introductory talk and interview with the artist by Johannes and Gabriele Paqué

June 03 is fully booked. Dates are still available on all other days!
The artist is present on all days.


Special openings

04.06.2021 : 16:00 – 19:00
05.06.2021 : 14:00 – 18:00
06.06.2021 : 11:00 – 15:00


The artist will be present on all dates.


Hygiene standards:

We request the following evidence (please provide as QR codes – either digitally or printed on):

– either a daily negative rapid corona test
– Proof of a double vaccination against Covid19
– Proof of recovery from a Covid19 infection.

Masks are mandatory!

More info on hygiene measures can be found here.

Works of the exhibition (selection)

Gemälde von Otto von Kotzebue

Otto von Kotzebue

Otto von Kotzebue (born 1936 in Munich) is a German architect and painter. He is the great-grandson of Alexander von Kotzebue (German-Russian battle-painter of the Romantic period) and Great-great-grandson of the playwright August von Kotzebue.

After cancelling high school, Kotzebue became a bricklayer and then studied architecture at the college in Munich. Afterwards, he worked as a freelance architect for architectural offices in Munich, Athens, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Sao Paulo and Johannesburg until 1980. From 1980 onwards, he devoted himself entirely to painting. Since the 1990s, Otto von Kotzebue has lived and worked as a painter in his studio behind the Neue Pinakothek in Munich.

Like his great-granduncle, who was also named Otto von Kotzebue and who took part in three great world journeys, Otto von Kotzebue traveled the world and kept his travel impressions on often large-format screens.


“The foggy and turner-like moods of his paintings correspond to the fresco-esque application of paint on the picture surface, which is reminiscent of Impressionist painting in its sublime luminosity. Kotzebue’s vedutes look enraptured, dreamlike, behind a veil, giving schemas of figures and perspective hints to the optimism of the ‘American dream’ an ironic and romantic distance. “

Wolfgang Sauré, Weltkunst from 01.12.1996



“In Germany, the name von Kotzebue is readily associated with culture and creativity, with adventure and travel, and with intelligence and style. So naturally this description also perfectly fits Otto von Kotzebue a refined and sensitive man, an educated architect and engineer, a multi-talented designer and painter. Although von Kotzebue has lived much of his life in Germany and Italy, his paintings reflect a special love for America. From the streets of Manhattan to the plains of the West, from fast life to farm life, he captures the softness and gentleness of America, the heart rather than the hardness of America.
He manages to combine structure with design, early morning light with late evening sunsets, aesthetic sensitivity with ordinary scenery producing a hazy glow of reality, a drowsy excitement of life which attracts and stimulates, but never irritates the viewer. There is a classical restraint in his paintings as he projects his quiet blues, yellows and oranges, onto towering skyscrapers, rugged oil wells, departing landing strips, or country landscapes.
Von Kotzebue seems to challenge the observer to be as creatively relaxed as he is by suggesting a mild incompleteness in his paintings especially as one ponders a solitary man resting in full contentment in the middle of metropolis.
Otto von Kotzebue is indeed a very unique artist, most difficult to categorize, not quite impressionist, who portrays an honest late 20th century, industrial world as we would like it to be.”

Dr. Georg W. Smith, Psychologist and consultant

Portrait von Otto von Kotzebue

Photo: Liu Xin

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2021      Reflexions, Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn (GER)
  • 2020      In honor of Beethoven – a collective exhibition [with Alejandro DeCinti, Maria Dierker, Milena Kunz-Bijno, Antonio Máro, Rafael Ramírez Máro], Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn (GER)
  • 2020      East – West, Förderverein Europa Begegnungen e.V., Torgau (GER)
  • 2019      10 years Musikstudio & Galerie: Gabriele Paqué [with Alejandor DeCinti, Maria Dierker, Dao Droste, Kirsten Lubach, Antonio Máro, Rafael Ramírez Máro], Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn (GER)
  • 2017      East – West, Burg-Galerie Stolberg, Stolberg (GER)
  • 2013      WeltReise, Münchner Künstlerhaus, Kunstkabinett, München (GER)
  • 2013      Art and eroticism – The erotic in art, Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn (GER)
  • 2012      Images from the New and Old World, Galerie Gabriele Paqué, Bonn (GER)
  • 2011      75 Jahre Otto von Kotzebue, Galerie Graf & Forum Seebach, Weimar (GER)
  • 2010     Visions opening features international artist, Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, Fort Myers, Florida (US)
  • 2009     Spuren meiner Reisen, Kunstbunker, Geretsried (GER)
  • 2009     Aquarelle und Ölbilder, Galerie Graf, Heidelberg (GER)
  • 2003     Otto von Kotzebue, Rathauskeller, Wolznach (GER)
  • 1992      Landschaften in der Toskana, Cortona (IT)

I’m looking forward to your visit!

Gabriele Paqué

Note on parking!
Parking spots in Bonn-Poppelsdorf, about a 10 minutes walk from the Blücherstraße!

The next concert will be announced in the future

Current Exhibition: Otto von Kotzebue – Reflexions
The gallery is open on saturdays between 14 and 18 pm.
After telephonic agreement the gallery can also be visited at other times.
Blücherstr. 14, 53115 Bonn
Phone: 0228-41076755