The work “Fufala” by the artist Andria Natsvlishvili was used for the cover picture

Critique in the German newspaper “General Anzeiger”

Kritik der Ausstellung Georgische Kunst und Malerei im General Anzeiger vom 22.05.2024

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Photos of the exhibition opening

Bild der Ausstellungseröffnung mit georgischen Künstlern 2024

f. l. t. r.: Gabriele Paqué, Makrine Tkebuchava, Priest Andria Natsvlishvili, Lamara Baumgaertner and Levan Telia

Dear friends of art,

It is a great pleasure for us to present to you Georgian art, represented by the priest Andria Natsvlishvili, Makrine Tkebuchava, Mikheil Makharadze and Natia Beqauri! Many thanks also go to the organisation Georgian Art House, represented by Levan Telia, without whom this exhibition would not have been possible. On display are very different art styles, but all of them represent the essence of Georgian culture and offer visitors an insight into this beautiful and culturally rich country.

We would like to cordially invite you to the vernissage on 20 April. As is tradition, it will once again be introduced by a piano concert, this time by the young pianist Dongyang Xing with works by F. Chopin, C. Schumann, R. Schumann, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and F. Hensel. Further information about the concert and ticket reservations can be found here.

Below you can get your own impression of the artists and their works:

Exhibition duration: 20.04. – 20.07.2024
Wednesdays and Saturdays from 14:00 to 18:00 (on concert days until 17:00)

20. April 2024

Musikstudio & Galerie: Gabriele Paqué
Blücherstraße 14
53115 Bonn

Gallery open from 15:00 h.


15:30 h: Concert

Dongyang Xing (piano) presents works by F. Chopin, C. Schumann, R. Schumann, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and F. Hensel

Admission: 20,- €
For more information and to register for the concert, click here.

17:00 h: Opening of the exhibition. The artist will be present.

Makrine Tkebuchava

Foto der Künstlerin Makrine Tkebuchava

Photo by Irakli Javakhishvili

Member of the Georgian ArtHouse organisation.

Makrine is an artist from Tbilisi, Georgia. She graduated from Chernyshevsky University in 2002 with a degree in foreign languages.

In 2015, she completed a masterclass in graphic art with David Koiava and Marina Gakhutashvili. After that, Makrine took part in various events, charity events and exhibitions where she gave away her paintings.

The first charity event she took part in was an auction “against the occupation” organised by the Guivy Zaldastanishvili School in Tbilisi. Later, Makrine came to the United States for the AFG Spring Cocktail Reception. She participated in two art exhibitions in New York City, which took place on 5 May and 26 September 2019.

She is a member of the Georgian Artists Guild Club. Makrine participated in an exhibition entitled “Stay in the Studio” on 23 August 2020, which was supported by the United Nations in Georgia. On 21 September 2020, Makrine took part in an exhibition of the Georgian Artists Guild Club in Paris at the Corrado Bortone Gallery, which also featured works by French and Italian painters.

Makrine took part in an artistic exchange project between Georgia and Austria organised by the Georgian Artist Guild Club in the city of Krems, Austria, on 2 October 2020 at Galerie Daliko. This project was part of the visual arts festival “4 Seasons of the Year – Palette of Friendship”.

On 23 March 2021, Makrine took part in the Paris exhibition “En ligne action des femmes – la beauté du printemps”.

Click/tap on the images to enlarge.


  • 2002 Degree in foreign languages at the Chernyshevsky University
  • 2015 Graphics masterclass with David Koiava AND MARINA GAKHUTASHVILI.
  • 2015 – 2019 various exhibitions, events, fundraisers, etc. First charity event, “Against OCCUPATION”, organised by GUIVY ZALDASTANISHVILI SCHOOL IN TIFLIS. Later USA the “AFG SPRING COCKTAIL”
  • 5 May and 26 Sept. 2019 two art exhibitions in New York City
  • 23 August 2020 EXHIBITION with the TITLE “STAY IN THE STUDIO”, Makrine took part in this exhibition as a MEMBER OF THE GEORGIAN ARTISTS GUILD CLUB and thus supported the UNITED NATIONS IN GEORGIA
  • 21 Sept. 2020 Gallery CORRADO BORTONE in Paris. At this exhibition of the GEORGIAN ARTISTS GUILD CLUB in Paris, works by French and Italian painters were also exhibited.
  • Oct. 2020 MAKRINE took part in an artistic exchange project between Georgia and Austria. This exchange project was organised by the GEORGIAN ARTISTS GUILD CLUB IN THE CITY OF KREMS.
  • 2 OCTOBER 2020, As part of the event “THE FESTIVAL OF BEAUTIFUL ARTS, “4 SEASONS OF THE YEAR – FRIENDSHIP PALETTE.” Makrine exhibited her works at IN THE GALERIE DALIKO. in Austria.

Natia Beqauri

Porträtfoto der Künstlerin Natia Bekauri

Photo by Efemia Chikviladze

Natia Beqauri is an artist working in Georgia and a master of Tikruli enamelling. She has been working with enamel for 15 years. From 2008 to 2010 she worked in the workshop “Fokan” with Mr Davit Kakabadze. In 2016 and 2017 she took part in Expo Georgia in Tbilisi together with Georgian artists. Since 2009 she cooperates with the gallery “Ornament”.

In 2018-2019 she had three exhibitions in America. These exhibitions took place under the direction of Marita Damenia.

In 2023 she became a member of the cultural association “la via dell’ arte” in Italy. The exhibition took place in the town of Montereso Almo in Sicily.

Click/tap on the images to enlarge.


  • 2008 – 2010 “POKANY” DAVID KAKABADZE EMAILLE, master enameller
  • 2009 – until now EMAIL ART GALLERY “ORNAMENT”, enamel master: creating exclusive works of Georgian Cloisonne enamel and selling them in Gallery Ornament.
  • 2013 – 2017 Arabuli Art House: Invitation to Arabuli Art House and work as an enamel teacher.
  • 2014 – 2019 Realisation of enamel works for the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Ministry of Defence of Georgia, for the Administration of the President of Georgia, etc.
  • 2018 – 2019 FIRMA MADATAART, participation in the art exhibition there

Member of the Georgian Art House since 2021

In 2023 she founded the cultural association “la via dell’ Arte” in Italy. Exhibition in Montereso Almo, Sicily, with Georgian artists.

Mikheil Makharadze

Porträtfoto von Mikhael Makharadze

Photo by Nanuchi Gogitidze

Mikheil Makharadze was born on 12 July 1994. He graduated from St Tbel Abuserisdze High School in 2012 and studied philosophy at the State University of Shota Rustaveli in Batumi from 2012 to 2018.

“The main theme of my work is the human being and everything related to humanity. For me, man is the highest value, it is he who gives meaning and value to the given world. In art, I explore emotions and ideas, the symbolic world around us that we ourselves create.

The direction is symbolic in content, but the style of the visual narrative is close to surrealism. All works are made on canvas and acrylic…”

Click/tap on the images to enlarge.


  • 2016-Odessa, Joint exhibition, photo, painting, “Christmas Lights”, East-West Art Museum. Ukraine, Odessa
  • 2017 – Participation in the joint exhibition “Georgian Culture Days”. Ukraine, Uman
  • 2018-Exhibition “Ukraine and Georgia – Values in Traditions” painting, photography. – with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine, National Museum of Georgia, Tbilisi History Museum (Carvasla) and the Georgian Art House
  • 2018-International art project “Art Clothing”, Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Museum of Tapestries and Modern Textiles. Georgia, Tbilisi
  • 2018-International art project “Laboratorie 2\20” (Georgian Art House) Georgia, Adjara, Batumi
  • 2018 – Participation in the joint exhibition “Immortal Emotions”, organised by the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia
  • 2019 – Solo exhibition “Reflection” at the small gallery of Adjara (Adjara) Art Museum, Batumi.
  • 2019 – Solo exhibition at the social café Free Space, Batumi.
  • 2023 – Solo exhibition “Seeing the Sun” in the gallery of the Adjara (Adjara) Art Museum, Batumi.

Priest Andria Natsvlishvili

Porträtfoto von Mama Andria Natsvlishvili

Photo by Mariam Vardzieli

  • Member of the Union of Artists of Georgia.
  • Member of the art organisation “Georgian Art House”.
  • Painter/Calligrapher
  • Surrealism, Abstraction

Andria Natsvlishvili was born on 28 April 1955 and began painting at a young age. at the Moscow Art Institute (1980-84), long before he turned to the church. In 2002, he decided to enter religious life. In 2011, his old passion finally caught up with him; he took up the brush again and held his first personal exhibition in Georgia in 2013 at the Centre for Spiritual and Intellectual Development of Youth of the Patriarchate of Georgia. The exhibition was dedicated to the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, His Holiness and Blessed Ilia II. He has also been exhibiting regularly since 2013, primarily in his home country.

In Germany, visitors had the opportunity to see the artist’s works at the Berlin gallery ARS PRO DONO from 1 March to 25 April 2021 with the exhibition “Strange Worlds”. It was a series of oil paintings.

A distinct individual style is recognisable in each work; one can assume references to the Renaissance and Mannerism from Giuseppe Arcimboldo to Hieronymus Bosch, but also a connection to Surrealism, which is particularly evident in the magical atmosphere of dreams, even if the impetus is different.

The flowing, shimmering quality that can be achieved with oil colours, reminiscent of oil paintings on puddles, is perhaps more than just a pictorial medium. Some of the works initially appear to be veritable swirls of colour which, on closer inspection, reveal more and more details, sometimes organic, sometimes technical-looking structures. Deliberately chosen symbolic content or a dreamlike flow of inspiration? Discover the charm of strange worlds…

Click/tap on the images to enlarge.


Athens, Berlin, Jerusalem and others.
He took part in the competition and came in the top five.
The Third International Festival of Fine Arts DENNITSA, Berlin, Germany 

  • 30.11.2013 The first exhibition in 2013 (in the exhibition hall of the Holy Trinity Cathedral)
  • 08.12.2013 Exhibition hall of the artists’ association
  • 12/03/2018 Silk Gallery
  • 16/06/2018 Gallery Vache
  • 17.06.2021 Silk Gallery
  • 01.04.2022 Gallery ARS PRO DONO – Berlin

We are looking forward to your visit!

Gabriele Paqué

Note on parking!
Parking in Bonn-Poppelsdorf, about 10 minutes walk from Blücherstraße! 

On Wednesdays and Saturdays the gallery is open from 14:00 – 18:00.
By telephone arrangement, the exhibition can also be visited at other times.
Blücherstr. 14, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Phone: 0228-41076755