Porträt der Künstlerin Julia Dauksza vor einem Bild

On September 10, 2022 the long-awaited vernissage “front line” by Julia Dauksza took place.

It was introduced by a phenomenal concert by the young pianist Jeongro Park from South Korea. A true feast for the ears, which found its crowning conclusion with Liszt’s “Danse macabre”.

A little later, the opening took place during a champagne reception, where Julia revealed interesting background information about herself and her art to the audience in an exciting interview. What role do dreams play in her art? What is it about the fusion of abstract and figurative painting? Where does the title of this exhibition come from? You are of course welcome to ask Julia all these and other questions yourself, for example at another meet-and-greet, about which we will of course inform you again in good time.

For now, have fun browsing through the impressions of this phenomenal event!


Zeitungsartikel zur Ausstellung von Julia Dauksza

Pictures of the opening

Dear friends of art,

we are delighted to introduce to you Julia Dauksza.

The young artist, who lives and works in Düsseldorf, fascinates with motifs that seem to have been snatched from dreams and offer a new perspective on our world. Julia Dauksza has already been seen in four places, including New York (USA), Seoul (South Korea), Istanbul (Turkey), Paris (France), Katowice (Poland) and, of course, in many German cities, including Bonn.

First of all, a concert by the South Korean pianist Jeongro Park with works by L. v. Beethoven, R. Schumann and F. Liszt awaits us. A donation of min. 15,- € per person is requested. More information about the concert can be found here.

Participation in the vernissage is free of charge.

10 September 2022

Musikstudio & Galerie: Gabriele Paqué
Blücherstraße 14
53115 Bonn

Gallery open from 15:00 h.


15:30 h: Concert

Jeongro Park (piano) presents works by L. v. Beethoven, R. Schumann and F. Liszt

Admission: A donation of min. 15,- € per person is requested.
For more information and to register for the concert, click here.

17:00 h: Opening of the exhibition together with the artist


Info on the applicable hygiene rules and access restrictions can be found here.

Works of the exhibition (selection)

Foto der Ausstellung Diesseits Jenseits von Dao Droste

Julia Dauksza

Porträtfoto der Künstlerin Julia Dauksza

Photo: Valeriia Kompaniets

Julia Dauksza (*1985) graduated from the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf in 2010 as a master student of Prof. Siegfried Anzinger and still lives in the city on the Rhine. She mainly works there in her studio, but in the meantime has traveled to South Korea and Poland, among other places, for longer stays to paint. In Dauksza’s large-scale oil paintings, she combines elements of old masters with abstract painting, creating a symbiosis of these two worlds. Some works form an interplay of painting with collages, thus creating another level in the pictorial space that comes close to a relief.

After numerous solo and group exhibitions, including in New York, Paris and Istanbul, we may now welcome the artist in Bonn.

Solo exhibitions

2021  AUTOBAHN DER FREIHEIT Galerie Wohlfarth, Duisburg
2019  DISCO SOLARE Galerie Pollmeier, Düsseldorf
2019  MUSTANG  Galerie Norbert Arns, Cologne
2017  DAUKSZA Galerie Norbert Arns, Cologne
2017  SALAD DAYS  Industriehalle Im Taubental 30, 41468 Neuss
2013  GREY MOTORS Galeria Szyb Wilson, Katowice/Poland
2011  JULIA DAUKSZA PEINTURES Galerie Roi Dore, Paris/France
2011  HOUNDS OF LOVE Raumkalk, Cologne
2009  IN FOCUS Schreier & von Metternich fine arts, Düsseldorf


Group exhibitions

2021  FROM MARCH TO MARCH  Galerie Norbert Arns, Cologne
2015  SIGHT | SITE | CITE  Outlet Gallery Brooklyn,  New York/USA
2014  KISA KES ASLANIM! Bimisal Gallery, Istanbul/Turkey
2011  CHASSÉS DU PARADIS Galerie Roi Dore, Paris/France
2011  BALLROOM POUNCHD II  Theatre Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Paris/France
2010  BALLROOM POUNCHD Theatre Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Paris/France



2011  Chineselightbulb “MILKFED KID” Kulturbunker, Cologne
2010  Chineselightbulb “YOU $ ME” 6. Koelner Musiknacht, Stadtgarten, Cologne



2015  MOCKINGBIRDS Bulgasari at Yogiga Expression Gallery, Seoul/South Korea
2010  Chineselightbulb/Thickly Painted Walls  “BALLROOM POUNCHD” LMP, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Paris/France
2010  Chineselightbulb/Thickly Painted Walls  – “SCHNAGEN” Salon des Amateurs, Düsseldorf



Sammlung Wohlfarth, Duisburg
Haslla Museum, Gangneung/South Korea

I am looking forward to your visit!

Gabriele Paqué

Note on parking!
Parking in Bonn-Poppelsdorf, about 10 minutes walk from Blücherstraße! 

Current exhibition: Julia Dauksza – front line
On Saturdays the gallery is open from 14:00 – 18:00.
By telephone arrangement, the exhibition can also be visited at other times.
Blücherstr. 14, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Phone: 0228-41076755