On September 19, 2015 was held the vernissage entitled “Magic” by the two renowned artists Antonio Máro and Rafael Ramirez Máro (father and son). It includes abstract works that, through their contemplative mood, transport the viewer into a world of meditative tranquility, and whose hallmark is the “Contraplano Technique”, developed in-house. Since childhood, Rafael Ramirez Máro has learned from his father and collaborated on his paintings, eventually giving rise to a reciprocal relationship between the two painters that defines Máro’s current pictorial compositions.
Also on display are individual works by Rafael Ramirez Máro, characterized by the mixed technique of figurative painting in the style of Velázquez or Tintoretto and Máro’s abstract pictorial elements.
As an introduction, Yili Niu (China; student of Prof. Gesa Lücker) played a dreamlike small ensemble of pieces by W.A. Mozart, J. Brahms, F. Liszt, F. Chopin, C. Debussy and M. Ravel.
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