By paqueklavier Dienstag, der 1. August 2017
Dear friends of music and art,
Yesterday, the vernissage of the exhibition “Klang der Bäume” (Sound of the Trees) was held by the Bornheim artist Maria Dierker. The event found its beginning with the outstanding concert of the pianists Franziska Staubach and Lisa Richter, who together form the duo “Con Spirito” since 2013.

Both will take their master’s degree next year, but they are already very experienced pianists, who have also achieved success at various competitions. And thus it was not surprising for this concert turning out to be a true listening pleasure which introduced the listeners into the theme of the exhibition.
The concert began with a sonata in C major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which was extremely sparkling and entertaining. This was followed by the Liebeslieder, op. 52a by Johannes Brahms, a few short pieces, which resembled preludes while their different musical coloring took the listener on a roller coaster ride. These were then the opening to the emotional highlight of this concert with the Fantasia in F minor D 940 by Franz Schubert. It is difficult to find a description that will do justice to this work with its melancholy up to the stormy passages which some listeners in the rear ranks even moved to stand up, in order to be able to better watch the fingerplay of the two pianists. The fact that Franziska Staubach and Lisa Richter play at a technically very high level should now be self-evident. But something which should be especially emphasized is the perfect interplay between these two artists: the dynamics of sound and quiet play, even in the finest nuances, the Ritardando, the gradual slowing in tempo as well as the ability to make the instrument sound completely different with all three composers characterize these two young pianists as true masters of interplay at the piano.
At 5 pm the exhibition had celebrated its opening. Unfortunately, Dr. Barbara Hausmanns did not hold an introductory lecture because of a sudden sickness, but the speech of Gabriele Paqué together with Maria Dierker was a very nice and successful introduction to the work of the artist. With a foreword written for Maria Dierker and read by Gabriele Paqué, Dr. Hausmanns also got the chance to say something, so that the art-historical reference was not lacking at this exhibition opening. Following the introductory speech, Maria Dierker gave a guided tour through the exhibition and explained to the many interested visitors through the different paintings her personal connection and understanding of art.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Maria Dierker, Lisa Richter and Franziska Staubach, who made this afternoon a wonderful experience and, of course, also to all the visitors for their numerous appearances and the great interest they showed in music and art!
Best regards,
Gabriele Paqué
The introductory speech together with Maria Dierker (in German)

Photos of the vernissage
Dear friends of art and music,
I would like to invite you to the new exhibition “Klang der Bäume” (“Sound of the Trees”) by Maria Dierker. Born in Bornheim near Bonn, she began her studies in graphic design and painting in 1996 in which she graduated in 2002 as a master student of Prof. Dr. Qi Yang. Oher important teachers helped her refine her technique, such as the Zen Calligraphy Workshop with Kazuaki Tanahashi in 2007 and her qualification for the Sevengardens Dialogue in 2015. All her projects focus on nature, whose protection the artist has set herself the goal of:
“The symbiosis between man and nature is certainly disturbed today. The divine call “Make the earth full and be masters of it” today is unfortunately often misunderstood as an incentive to its radical exploitation. To change this is certainly one of the most important tasks of today’s political and social agenda. The prerequisite for this is the sensitization of people to this topic.
I want to contribute with my paintings. That is why nature has been my theme for many years. Its eternal cycle “becoming – being – passing away” is a fascination, which no one can escape from. For this cycle affects mankind as well. In nature, I can also reproduce everything that is important to me beyond what is said above: beauty, movement, life and freedom. I interpret this natural process of development artistically in my paintings, which captivate the viewer with a deep metaphor and thus set a deep memorial to nature. “
– Maria Dierker
As always, this exhibition opening starts with a classical concert. The piano duo Con Spirito, consisting of Lisa Richter and Franziska Staubach, will present works à quatre mains by W. A. Mozart, J. Brahms and F. Schubert. A musical pleasure that you should not miss!
16th of September 2017
Musikstudio und Galerie: Gabriele Paqué
Blücherstraße 14
53115 Bonn
Gallery open from 3 pm
The artist will be present
3:30 pm: classical Concert
There will be a classical concert (the piano duo “Con Spirito”) in advance! Further information about the concert can be found below. The entry is free – a donation is requested for the musicians.
5 pm: Introductory speech by the art historian Dr. Barbara Hausmanns
Afterwards tour through the exhibition together with the artist.
Works of the exhibition

Maria Dierker
1996-2000 Studied painting and graphic design at the IBKK (Bochum, Germany) – with graduation diploma
- 2000-2002 Master student of Prof. Dr. Qi Yang
- 2007 Zen Calligraphy Workshop with Kazuaki Tanahashi (Zen-Zentrum Eisenbuch)
- 2015 Qualification for the Sevengardens Dialogue, (Sevengardens is: “Official measure” of the UN Decade “Education for Sustainable Development”)
“International Dye Garden Project” (Sevengardens)
- 2016 Workshop with women from: Botswana, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Indonesia, Cameroon, und the Philippines in the Art Court Merten (VEM-Wuppertal)
- 2015 Workshop in Annaberg / Poland – International encounter-BBK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
“Dye Gardens” in Bornheim, Germany
- 2015 project with the municipal nursery “Flora”
III Maiden Tower International Art Festival (Azerbaijan)
- 2012 international art project with artists from 18 countries – Baku (invitation)
World Artist Festival (South-Korea)
- 2006 Publication in the art journal “Misulmunhwa” 2/2006 – Seoul
- 2006 Participation in the “1. World Artist Festival “- Museum of Fine Arts, Seoul (Invitation)
- 2005 International Art Exhibition, World Watercolor Painting Federation – Seoul Gallery (Catalog)
Travelling Art (Senegal)
- 2006 “Art Voyage”, project with Senegalese, Italian and German artists in M’Bour (invitation)
- “Takhawale”, project in “Reserve naturelle de Popenguine” in Popenguin, in collaboration with the women’s group under Wolimata Thia and the Ministry of the Environment and Nature Conservation of the Republic of Senegal (invitation)
German-chinese artist exchange (VR China)
- 1999/2000/2001 Exchange of Artists between the art academy Hefei (Anhui Province) and the IBKK (Bochum) and the Association of German Artists (VFDK) (Bochum)
Selection: Individual and group exhibitions in Germany and abroad (selection beginning from 2001)
- Museum im Franck-Haus, Marktheidenfeld
- GREEN ECONOMIE – was kostet die Welt?, Rathaus Galerie-Brühl
- Galeria sztuki Góra Sw. Anny / Polen
- Kunstpreis “Unterwegs” (Kunstforum 99 Rheinbach), Nominierung (Katalog)
- Bonjour Deutschland, Haus an der Redoute, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
- Fine A.R.T.S, Museum im Kulturspeicher-Würzburg
- “Grenzenlos, Sans Frontières, Bez Granic”, Museum-Städt. Geschichte, Bunzlau/Polen (Katalog)
- “Skripturale – Von Hieroglyphen bis zum Internet”. Gutshaus Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Berlin (Katalog)
- Präsentation der Gewinner und Finalisten des 13. Internationaler Syrlin-Kunstpreises – Galerie im Zentrum, Stuttgart .
- 7. Int. Kunstmesse und Doppelmesse Antik und Kunst Sindelfingen
- EntZEITlicht – Ein Beitrag zum UNESCO-Welttag der Poesie, Kapitelsaal St. Remigius, KHG-Bonn (Katalog)
- Perspektiven “Skripturale”- haben Buch und Schrift eine Zukunft?- dbb 10117 Berlin
- “Wir!” – 60 Jahre GEDOK Bonn, Künstlerforum Bonn (Katalog)
- Galerie HELIOS, Temeswar/Rumänien (Katalog)
- Galeria “Pro Arte”, Lugoj/Rumänien
- Wasserburg Rindern (Kooperation mit der ArtVent Künstlergruppe aus Korea und dem IKV)
- III Maiden Tower International Art Festival, Baku/Aserbaidschan
- International Travelling Exhibition – Sudanese Women Museum, Ahfad University for Women-Omdurman/Sudan (Katalog)
- Gabala II – International Art Exhibition – Gabala/Aserbaidschan (Katalog)
- „West meets east“ – Artothèque, St. Cloud/Paris (E) (Katalog)
- Malta Biennale Paris – Centre Madame Peugeot, Paris
- „Wo ist Sophia? – Die Weisheit des Leibes“ – Frauenmuseum Bonn (Katalog)
- Seoul International New Art Fair, Seoul- Art- Gallery, Seoul(Korea)
- Invited Exhibition „Kunst aus Korea“ (Gastkünstler) – Goethe-Institut, Frankfurt/Main (Katalog)
- „Skripturale“ – Messina Palace, Valetta/Malta
- Ausstellung zum Weltfrauentag – Nationalmuseum, Nairobi/Kenia (Katalog)
- „Skripturale“ – Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln (Ankauf: “Seidenstraße heute”- 3 Arbeiten)
- „Skripturale“ – Europäische Kommission, Brüssel
- „Skripturale“ – Museum Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati/Rom
- Ausstellung zum Weltfrauentag – Frauenmuseum „Mama Africa“, Batokunku/Gambia (Katalog)
- Jahresausstellung „X Jahre Kunsthof Merten“ – Kunsthof Merten, Bornheim
- „Kunst en Religie“ – Kruispunt Denderleeuw, Belgien
- „Skripturale“ – Artothèque, St. Cloud/Paris (Katalog)
- „Straßen verbinden Kulturen“ – Bundespresseamt Bonn
- „Straßen verbinden Kulturen“ – Ausstellung anlässlich 50 Jahre Ringpartnerschaft Esch-zur-Alzette, Köln, Lille, Lüttich, Rotterdam, Turin – Rathaus Stadt Köln (Katalog)
- „7e Biennale Dak´art Off“ – Atelier Residance Tripano, M’Bour/Senegal
- Ausstellung im Rahmen des 1. World Artist Festival – Museum of Fine Arts, Seoul/Süd-Korea (Katalog)
- Kulturforum Burgkloster – Lübeck
- „Freie Malerei“ – Kunst- und Galeriehaus, Bochum (Katalog)
- Holms lille Galeri – Abenraa/Dänemark
- Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler (BBK), Bonn Rhein-Sieg e.V.
- GEDOK Bonn e.V. (Fachbeirätin (2009-2013))
- Kunstverein Rhein-Sieg-Kreis e.V.
3:30 PM
Con Spirito (Franziska Staubach and Lisa Richter), à quatre mains at the Piano
Wolgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1792)
Sonata in C major
– Allegro
– Andante
– Allegretto
Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
Love songs waltz op. 52a
– Rede, Mädchen, allzu liebes
– Am Gesteine rauscht die Flut
– O die Frauen (Tenor und Bass)
– Wie des Abends schöne Röte (Sopran und Alt)
– Die grüne Hopfenranke
– Ein kleiner, hübscher Vogel
– Wohl schön bewandt war es (Sopran oder Alt)
– Wenn so lind dein Auge mir
– Am Donaustrande
– O wie sanft die Quelle
– Nein, es ist nicht auszukommen
– Schlosser auf und mache Schlösser
– Vögelein durchrauscht die Luft (Sopran und Alt)
– Sieh, wie ist die Welle klar (Tenor und Bass)
– Nachtigall, sie singt so schön
– Ein dunkeler Schacht ist Liebe
– Nicht wandle, mein Licht (Tenor)
– Es bebet das Gesträuche
Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828)
Fantasy in F Minor D 940
– Allegro molto moderato
– Largo
– Scherzo. Allegro vivace
– Finale. Allegro molto moderato
The entry is free – donation requested
Franziska Staubach and Lisa Richter began playing the piano at a very early age and were soon successful contestants in various competitions (Jugend musiziert, National Bach Competition, Tonkünstlerverband). Both studied with Prof. Gesa Lücker at the HfmT (Cologne University of Music and Dance), where they got to know each other and founded the piano duo Con Spirito in October 2013. The duo received further important stimuli by Anthony Spiri, Joseph Paratore and Hans-Peter Stenzl among others. In addition to a lively concert activity throughout Germany, they were also internationally active as scholarship holders of the summer academy in Salzburg (Austria) and the music competition Val Tidone (Italy). In addition to their chamber music and solo career, the pianists also engage in music education. For example, they are both active in various music schools and are employed as assistants to Prof. Gesa Lücker, respectively Prof. Anton Scherrer at the HfMT in Cologne.
“Fresh access from heart, hand and brain. The piano duo “Con Spirito” plays in the studio dumont in great harmony. “
“Staubach / Richter harmonize excellently in the interplay, which became evident in the fulfillment of the dialogical principle, especially in Mozart’s C major sonata.”
“[…] both artists, beyond their chamber music talent, also have the talent to excel in a virtuoso career […]” by Gerhard Bauer, KStA
I’m looking forward to your visit!
Gabriele Paqué
Note on Parking!
Parking in Bonn-Poppelsdorf, about a 10 minutes walk from the Blücherstraße!
The next concert will take place on the 7th of October 2017:
The „Trio Masielle“ (Silke Gustedt ,flute, Ellen Winkel-Lim, violoncello and Judit Ferrer, piano) present works of the chamber music by various female composers, such as Louise Farrenc, Mel Bonis, Maria Szymanowksa, Clara Faisst, Fanny Hensel, Luise Adolpha Le Beau, Mel Bonis and Cécile Chaminade
The gallery is open on saturdays between 14 and 18 o’clock.
After telephonic agreement the gallery can also be visited at other times.
Blücherstr. 14, 53115 Bonn
Phone: 0228-41076755
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